Royston Town Council approves support for Free after Three car parking
At Monday 27th January’s budget meeting of Royston Town Council, Liberal Democrat Cllr Emma Squire Smith proposed an amendment to allocate £20,000 to subsidise the free after three car parking in the town.
In gaining agreement to budget this substantial amount, Cllr Squire Smith was successful in ensuring the precept would be frozen for the coming financial year, meaning no increase for taxpayers as a result.
The Town Council voted the proposal through despite Royston Town Party declining to support the proposal at this opportunity.

Cllr Squire Smith said, “Now that Royston Town Council has allocated these funds, I hope there will be productive talks with the District Council to retain the free after three scheme. In these difficult financial times it is important to maintain our commitment to support local businesses and shoppers.”
Liberal Democrat District Cllr, Tim Johnson and local businessman, Paul Bowes of Bow Books, both additionally addressed the meeting in support of retaining free after three parking.
Cllr Johnson said, "It's so important that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our local businesses who add so much to our quality of life in Royston. I'm really heartened by this Town Council decision."
Liberal Democrat District Cllr Ruth Brown also successfully gained the Council’s approval to add £5,000 to the grants budget to support community groups in the town.